Membership Benefits
Professionalism – we help you to stay informed about important developments and promote the doctor-patient relationship. Use the Pennsylvania Medical Society’s “Tracker” program to coordinate and report your CME activities. Help shape the future of your profession by becoming involved in our work.
We will help your practice’s bottom line. Private practice physicians and those who are employed by practices all benefit from our work. Rely on our experienced staff and the resources which are available to members on a myriad of important matters. Have your practice administrator/office manager attend our quarterly meetings. We guarantee these programs will demonstrate value to your practice! We’re only a phone call away!
Advocacy on behalf of physicians and patients
Medical liability reform – working closely with the state medical society, a number of specialty societies, and the American Medical Association - we will continue to lead an aggressive, multi-year campaign to reduce medical liability premiums. All too often our critics complain that “nothing gets accomplished”. They seem to overlook their Mcare abatements or the changes that have occurred such as the new venue requirements and/or qualifications of expert witnesses.
Managed care reform – the DCMS continues to address third-party problems in the practice of medicine. Support our efforts to have physicians receive a fair-market reimbursement from health insurance companies in our region. The Pennsylvania legislature passed some insurance company prior authorization reform late last fall, the PAMED staff and leadership will be working with the state government to develop and implement specific regulations.
Access to Care With the recent closure of two Chester County Hospitals, the society has been involved with many other community stakeholders to address patients’ access to care for medical and behavioral healthcare. CCMS leadership remains engaged and welcomes input and support from our members. The societies also strongly support continued access to comprehensive women’s health services.
Maintenance of Certification Physicians are committed to lifelong learning, many say Maintenance of Certification (MOC) is time-consuming, expensive, and irrelevant. MOC reform would help ensure that the process is fair and meaningful. Delegates from across Pennsylvania have participated in debates on discussions and helped the PAMED leadership to support efforts to Improve MOC and prohibit MOC as a condition of licensure, insurer credentialing, reimbursement, or hospital admitting privileges.
Restrictive Covenants (non-compete clauses) As noted in the winter edition of Chester County Medicine, the Federal Trade Commission has recently released its recommendation calling for the banning of non-compete clauses. Stay tuned for updates on this important matter with specifics on how it will affect physicians!
Scope of Practice The CCMS and PAMED strongly believe that physicians, given their extensive education and training, should lead the health care team. We support a physician-led, team-based approach to health care and oppose the independent practice of CRNPS.